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Leigang Zhang

NameLeigang Zhang

Technical postAssociate Fellow

AddressNo.50, Zhongling Street, Nanjing



2004.09-2008.06,   Shandong Agricultural University, Pesticide, Bachelor of Engineering.

2008.09   -2013.12, Nanjing Agricultural University, Pesticide, Doctor of Science.

Professional   Experience

2013.12-2016.08,   Institute of Agricultural Products Processing, Jiangsu Academy of   Agricultural Sciences, Assistant Fellow.

2016.09 So   far, Institute of Agricultural Products Processing, Jiangsu Academy of   Agricultural Sciences, Associate Fellow.

Scientific Research Field

Mechanism of   postharvest senescence regulation of fruits and vegetables; Prevention and   control of postharvest diseases of agricultural products

Social academic post and honor

Teaching Courses

Published   papers

Leigang Zhang,   Shufen Luo, Hongsheng Zhou, Huali Hu, Pengxia Li*. Establishment of genetic   transformation system of Epicoccum nigrum using PEG-mediated method.   Mycosystema, 2018, 37(2):205-214

Leigang Zhang,   Hongsheng Zhou, Huali Hu, Yudong Sun, Dexu Luo, Jianguo Huang, Pengxia Li*.   Effect of film packaging material on quality of red pepper during simulated   transportation. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi, 2018, 30(10)

Leigang Zhang,   Chunhong Li, Shufen Luo, Hongsheng Zhou, Huali Hu, Pengxia Li*. Multivariate   analysis of different packing materials on quality of green asparagus during   shelf-life. Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, 2018, 32(6):1133-1143

Leigang Zhang,   Baicun Li, Yu Zhang, Xiaojing Jia, Zhou MG*. Hexokinase plays a critical role   in DON production and fungal development in Fusarium graminearum. Molecular   Plant Pathology, 2016, 17(1):16–28

Leigang Zhang,   Jianxiao Gao, Huali Hu, Pengxia Li*. The activity and molecular   characterization of a serine proteinase in Pleurotus eryngii during high   carbon dioxide and low oxygen storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology.   2015, 105:1–7

Leigang Zhang,   Xinyan Yu, Xiaojing Jia, Jianxin Wang, Changjun Chen, Mingguo Zhou*.   Involvement of FgMad2 and FgBub1 in regulating fungal development and   carbendazim resistance in Fusarium graminearum. Plant Pathology. 2015,   64(5):1014–1028

Leigang Zhang,   Xiaojing Jia, Changjun Chen, Mingguo Zhou*. Characterization of carbendazim   sensitivity and trichothecene mycotoxin chemotypes of Fusarium complex in   Jiangsu province of China. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 2013,   84: 53–60

Main Scientific Research Projects

The molecular   mechanism of GATA TF regulating sexual development to delay Pleurotus eryngii   postharvest senescence (31601524), Natural Science Foundation of China,   2017-2019, Preside

Pharmacological   basis of Epicoccum nigrum for postharvest fungal diseases in fruits and   vegetables and development of preservative (CX(17)3012), Jiangsu agricultural   science and technology innovation fund, 2017-2020, Preside


Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of   postgraduates under supervision

Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.

Number of   supervised undergraduates


The above information   updated


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