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Zhang Can

NameZhang Can

Technical postPhD, MS supervisor

AddressSchool of Food & Biological Engineering, Room 507,   Xuefu Road 301,Zhenjiang, Jiangsu,China



2003.9-2008.9 Ph. D  Tianjin University of Science and Technology
visiting scholar, University of California, Davis

Professional   Experience

Scientific Research Field

Food Safety   and Control;
  Immunoassay and bio-mimetic assay for the rapid detection of small molecular   toxins and pollutants in agricultural products and environment;

Social academic post and honor

Teaching Courses

The Principle   and Technology of Food Immunology
  Veterinary & plant inspection and quarantine

Published papers

[1] Can   Zhang⁎, Hanyu Cui, Yufeng Han, Fangfang Yu, Xiaoman Shi. Development of a   biomimetic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on molecularly imprinted   polymers on paper for the detection of carbaryl. Food Chemistry.2018, 240,   893-897.
  [2] Can Zhang*, Yufeng Han, Li Lin, Nannan Deng, Bo Chen, and Yuan 投注平台.   Development of Quantum Dots-Labeled Antibody Fluorescence Immunoassays for   the Detection of Morphine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2017,   65, 1290−1295.
  [3] Can Zhang*,Hanyu Cui,Jianrong Cai,Yuqing Duan,and Yuan 投注平台. Development   of Fluorescence Sensing Material Based on CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots and   Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Detection of Carbaryl in Rice and   Chinese Cabbage. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2015, 63,   4966−4972
  [4] Zhang Can*, CAI Jianrong, DUAN Yuqing, et al. Synthesis, Characterization   and Application of Organic-inorganic Hybrid and Carbaryl-imprinted Capillary   Monolithic Column. Chem. Res. Chin. Univ., 2014, 30(3), 374—378.
  [5] Liang Xu*, Pengfei Cui, Dongmei Wang, Cheng Tang, Linyi Dong, Can   Zhang**.Preparation and characterization of lysine-immobilized poly(glycidyl   methacrylate) nanoparticle-coated capillary for the separation of amino acids   by open tubular capillary electrochromatography. Journal of Chromatography A,   2014
(1323), 179–183.
  [6] Can Zhang, Guangpeng Ma, Guozhen Fang, Yan Zhang, Shuo Wang. Development   of a  capillary electrophoresis-based immunoassay with laser-induced   fluorescence for the detection of carbaryl in rice samples. Journal of   Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2008,56, 8832-8837.
  [7] Can Zhang, Shuo Wang, Guozhen Fang,Yan Zhang, Liqin Jiang. Competitive   immunoassay by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence for   the trace detection of chloramphenicol in animal-derived foods.   Electrophoresis, 2008, 29, 3422-3428.
  [8] Can Zhang, Yan Zhang, Shuo Wang. Development of multianalyte flow-through   and lateral-flow assays using gold particles and HRP as tracers for the rapid   determination of carbaryl and endosulfan in agricultural products. Journal of   Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2006, 54, 2502-2507.
  [9] Can Zhang, Yan Zhang, Shuo Wang. Study on the membrane-based osmotic   immunoassay using horseradish peroxidase as tracer for the rapid detection of   carbary. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2006, 34, 573-575.
  [10] Shuo Wang, Can Zhang, Yan Zhang. Development of a flow-through   enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and a dipstick assay for the rapid   detection of the insecticide carbaryl. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2005, 535,   219-225.
  [11] Shuo Wang, Can Zhang, Junping Wang, Yan Zhang. Development of colloidal   gold-based flow-through and lateral-flow immunoassays for the rapid detection   of the insecticide carbaryl. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2005, 546, 161-166.
  [1] Shuo Wang, Can Zhang, Yan Zhang. Lateral flow colloidal gold-based   immunoassay for pesticide. Methods in Molecular Biology: Biosensors and   Biodetection. HUMANA PRESS INC (DOI 10.1007/978-1-60327-569-9) 2009.
  [2] The Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay------- principle and application in   the detection of chemical pollutants in food and environments. Participate,   Science Press, 2011.07

Main Scientific Research Projects

[1]The   National Natural Science Foundation of China (principal investigator, No. 31000783)
  [2]Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research Funds (principal   investigator, 1202010B)
  [3] Zhenjiang Science and technology support projects (principal   investigator)
  [3]The Talent Foundation of Jiangsu University (principal investigator, 09JDG052)
  [4] The project funded by Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Food   Nutrition and Human Health (principal investigator)


1 The synthesis and application of biomimetic enzyme-linked   immunosorbent assay based on molecularly imprinted polymers on paper for the   detection of carbaryl.  ZL 2016 1 0023795.7

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of   postgraduates under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of   supervised undergraduates


The above information   updated


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