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Wang Liang

NameWang Liang

Technical postProfessor

AddressNo. 301, Xuefu Road, Jiangsu Zhenjiang, China.



2007     Ph.D.    Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Lanzhou Institute of   Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  1994    M.S.   Biochemistry, Xinjiang Institute of Chemistry,   Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  1987    B.S.    Biology, Biology Department of Sichuan   University, China

Professional   Experience

2012- Prsent      Professor, School of Food and Biologic Engineering, University   of Jiangsu, China.
  2007-2012      Professor, Department of Molecular Biology,   Cell Biology & Biochemistry, Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and   Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  2003-2007      Associate Professor, Department of Molecular   Biology, Cell Biology & Biochemistry, Xinjiang Technical Institute of   Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  2000-2002      Research Associate Scientist, Division of Life   Sciences, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA.
  1999-2000      Visiting Scholar, Department of Medicine,   Health Science Center at San Antonio, University of Texas, USA.
  1994-1999      Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular   Biology and Biochemistry, Xinjiang Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of   Sciences, china
  1992-1994      Graduate student, Molecular Biology &   Biochemistry, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Xinjiang   Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, china
  1991-1992     Graduate student, Molecular Biology &   Biochemistry, Graduate School of Chinese Science and Technology University,   china
  1987-1991     Research intern, Laboratory of Postharvest storage   and Packaging technology, Department of Plant Physiology, Xinjiang Institute   of Biology, Pedology and Desert, Chinese Academy of Sciences, china=

Scientific Research Field

1.   Fermentation of Genetic Engineering Bacteria
  2. Strain screening of food microorganism and study on the metabolic   mechanism
  3. Mammary Glands reactor of Transgenic Animal

Social academic post and honor

A member of   biological engineering association of china,
  A member of microbial association of China

Teaching Courses

Cell   biology

Published   papers

1.  Liang   Wang,Tingting 投注平台, Tao Peng, Dajiang Zhang, Hanqing Wang, Xu Cao, Weihua Li ,   Anjiang Wang  Hai Zhu. Efficient production of transgenic goat (Capra   hircus) embryos using dual markers. Small Ruminant Research , 75 (2008)   99–104.
  2.  Liang Wang, Tao Peng, Hai Zhu, Zili Lv, Tingting 投注平台, Zhiqiang   Shuai,Hong Gao,Tao Cai, Xu Cao, Hanqing Wang. In vitro development of   reconstructed ibex (Capra ibex) embryos by nuclear transfer using goat (Capra   hircus) oocytes. Small Ruminant Research, Small Ruminant Research, 73 (2007)   : 135–141.
  3.  Ma HR, Lu ZL, Sun Y, Peng T, Shuai ZQ, Ma YF, Zhang Y, Wang L,Cao X,   Wang HQ. Selection of Donor Nuclei in Somatic Cell-Mediated Gene Transfer   Using a Co-transfection Method. Jouranl of Reproduction and Development,   2007, 53(1):95-104.
  4.  Qi, Xianghui; Deng, Wenying; Wang, Fei; Guo, Qi; Chen, Huayou; Wang,   Liang; He, Xiang; Huang, Ribo. Molecular Cloning, Co-expression, and   Characterization of Glycerol Dehydratase and 1,3-Propanediol Dehydrogenase   from Citrobacter freundii. Industrial Microbiology ,2013, 54(2):469-474 .
  5.  投注平台 T
Xue SWang L ABC Transporter CslAB, a Stabilizer of ComCDE Signal in   Streptococcus mutans  Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, 2015, 8(8)1-6.
  6.  投注平台 Ke-ying,  Zhong  Hao, Guo Ai-zhen, 投注平台 Peng-long, Wang   Liang ,Optimizing research of culturing condition on Kefir grains proliferation,   2015,43(2),32-36.
  7.  CAI, Mei hong
HAN, Jin gui WU, Qi yang GUI, Guo jian WANG, Liang MA, Hai ler.
     The development of the recombinant chicken beta interferon on   expressed in yeast and detection for its antiviral activity. Journal of Inner   Mongolia Agricultural University. 2013,34 (3): 91-95.
  8.  Zili Lv, Liang Wang, Guoqing Shi. Bovine oviduct epithelial cells   transfected with human collagen cDNA gene and transgenic cloning embryo   research. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science 2012,32
  9.  Zhongqing Li, Liang Wang. Expression and characterization of bovine   lactoferricin-derived peptide in Pichia pastoris. Biotechnology Bulletin.   2011,6: 145-149.
  10. Zhongqing Li, Liang Wang. Review on the current status and exploratory   prospect of bovine lactoferricin. Food Science , 2011
  11.  Zili Lv, Liang Wang, Guoqing Shi. Bovine cumulus cell growth   characteristics and transgenosis. Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica,   2011
  12.  Zili Lv, Guoqing Shi, Liang Wang. Pure culture and growth   characteristics research of bovine oviduct epithelial cells. Chinese Journal   of Animal Science, 2011, 7(5):19-23.
  13.  Tingting 投注平台, Liang Wang, Zi-li Lv, Tao Peng, Anjiang Wang. The   screening method research of Holstein cow ear fibroblast transfected by human   I type collagen gene with the Liposome. Acta Agriculturae   Boreali-occidentalis Sinica, 2009, 18(4):10-16.
  14. Tao Peng, Tingting 投注平台, Liang Wang. Development of transgenic Holstein   cow embryo carrying human I type collagen gene. Acta Agriculturae   Boreali-occidentalis Sinica, 2009, 18(2):10-14
  15. Fangfang Shi, Liang Wang, Zi-li Lv, Anjiang Wang. Antibacterial activity   experiment and synthesis of Lfcin B gene. Acta Agriculturae   Boreali-occidentalis Sinica, 2009, 18(1):20-23
  16. Songtao Lin, Junong Zhang, Liang Wang. Progress of study on action   mechanism and transgene of lactooferricin. Xinjiang agricultural Sciences,   2008, 45(3):498-503
  17. Shoulong Den, Zili Lv, Liang Wang. Study on transgenic GFP gene bovine   embryos production by nuclear transfer.China Animal Husbandry &   Veterinary Medicine. 2009, 36 (8): 73-78.
  18. Shoulong Den, Tao Pen, Zili Lv, Liang Wang. Mammalian adult stem cell    research progress. China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine,   2009, 36 (10): 88-92.
  19. Shoulong Den, Tao Pen, Zili Lv, Donglin Lu, Anjiang Wang, Liang Wang.    Research progress of cloning cattle by using somatic cell. Xinjiang   Husbandry, 2008, 3: 4-7.
  20. Fangfang Shi, Liang Wang, Zi-li Lv, Anjiang Wang. Research progress on   gene engineering of lactoferrin and lactoferricin. Chinese Jornal of   Veterinary Drug, 2008, 42 (10):50-53.
  21. Fangfang Shi, Liang Wang. Research progress in gene engineering of   lactoferrin
LFand lactoferricinLfcin. China Feed Additive, 2008,9:5-8.
  22. Songtao Lin, Junong Zhang, Liang Wang. cDNA cloning of bovine lactoferrin   N-lobe gene and construction of Pichia Pastoris expression vector. Journal of   Domestic Animal Ecology, 2008, 29(5)13-18.
  23. Dajiang Zhang , Liang Wang. Cloning and sequencing of human COL1A1 gene   fragment with high GC content. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica,   2007, 16(3):1-6.
  24. Liang Wang, Ting-ting 投注平台, Tao Peng, Hai Zhu, Han-qing Wang, Xu Cao.   Isolation and pure cultre of Holstein cow ear fibroblast and research on   cryopreservation methods. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary   Medicine, 2006, 5:12-14.
  25. Liang Wang, Tao Peng, Ha Zhu i, Zi-li Lv, Zhi-qiang Shuai, Ting-ting 投注平台   , Hong Gao, Tao Cai, Xu Cao, Han-qing Wang, Electricfusion condition   Influence on the development of nuclear transfer embryos of Xinjiang wild   Ovis ammon and transgenic (GFP) Saanen dairy goat. Acta Agriculturae   Boreali-occidentalis Sinica, 2006, 15(2):1-6.
  26. Liang Wang, Tao Peng, Ting-ting 投注平台, Hanqing Wang, Xu Cao, Hai Zhu, Zi-li   Lv, Dajiang Zhang, Tao Cai, Hong Gao, Influence of different electricfusion   condition on the development of transgenic nuclear transfer embryos of Saanen   dairy goat. Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 2006, 37(12),   1368-1372.
  27. Dajiang Zhang, Liang Wang. Structure and function of type I collagen and   the situation and prospect of exploratory development, Letters in   Biotechnology. 2006, 17(2):265-269.
  28. Liang Wang, Ting-ting 投注平台, Tao Peng, Zhi-qiang Shuai, Dajiang Zhang, Hai   Zhu, Jun Chen, Weihua Li, Hanqing Wang. Analyses research of several   cryopreservation methods for the skin fibroblasts of shaneng milk goat. Acta   Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica, 2005,14(6):1-6.

Main Scientific Research Projects

1. Production   Research of Human α1 (TypeⅠ) Procollagen by Using the Mmammary Gland of   Transgenic Goat. Grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China,   Principal Investigator.
  2. Pichia Pastoris strain screening of high-density fermentation for   producing the antibacterial peptide-lactoferricin B and the research of   stable expression mechanism in fermentor. Grant from Chinese Academy of   Sciences, China. Principal Investigator.
  3. Science and Technology Action Plan of Green Food. Grant from Science and   Technology Department of Xinjiang Province. Principal Investigator.
  4. Expression and Characterization of Bovine Lactoferricin-derived Peptide in   Pichia Pastoris. Grant from Science and Technology Department of Xinjiang   Province. Principal Investigator
  5. The Research of Transgenic Goat (Human CoL1A1). Grant from Large and   medium-sized enterprises entrusted project. Principal Investigator.
  6. Transgenic embryonic research. Grant from Chinese Academy of Sciences   "Western light" innovation project. Principal Investigator.
  7. Pure culture of normal human melanocytes and biologically active test of a   drug. Grant from Hospital commissioned project. Principal Investigator.
  8. Purification and activity analysis of human and sheep placenta peptide.   Grant from Large and medium-sized enterprises entrusted project. Principal   Investigator.
  9. The biological effect research with Sodium fluoride oral exposure of rats.   Grant from Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences commissioned   project, Principal Investigator.
  10. Study on the screening and metabolic characteristics of antibacterial   peptide gene
  engineering bacteria. Research institutes commissioned projects, Principal   Investigator.
  11. Fermentation starter development of Xinjiang kindred kefir milk and   research and development of new dairy drinks, Grant from Science and   Technology Department of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,   Principal Investigator.
  12. Development of DVS yeast fermentation agent, Grant from Large and   medium-sized enterprises entrusted project. Principal Investigator.


Applied for 7   patents, authorized 2

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

1. Production   Research of Human α1 (TypeⅠ) Procollagen by Using the Mmammary Gland of   Transgenic Goat,  Project completion.
  2. Science and Technology Action Plan of Green Food, Project completion.
  3. Expression and Characterization of Bovine Lactoferricin-derived Peptide in   Pichia Pastoris, Project completion.
  4. Purification and activity analysis of human and sheep placenta peptide,   Project completion.
  5. Chinese Academy of Science and Technology Progress Award, ranked fourth.

Number of   postgraduates under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of   supervised undergraduates


The above   information updated

Dec,  2015

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