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Zhu Shuyun

NameZhu Shuyun

Technical postAssociate Professor

AddressSchool of Food & Biological Engineering, Jiangsu   University



Ph.D.    2013  JiangsuUniversity

M.S.     2003  ShaanxiNormalUniversity

B.S.     1999  YantaiNormal School

Professional   Experience

Sept. 2003 –   Present

The teacher of   School of Food & Biological Engineering,Jiangsu University,China.

Scientific Research Field

1. Nutritional   function and biological activity of food

2.    Agricultural products processing and comprehensive utilization of their   by-products

Social academic post and honor

Teaching Courses

Published   papers

(1) Shuyun   Zhu,Ying Dong, Jie Tu, et al. Amino acid composition and in vitro digestibility   of protein isolates from Silybum marianum [J].Journal of Food, Agriculture   & Environment, 2013,11(1): 136-140.

(2) Shu Yun   Zhu, Ying Dong*, Jie Tu, et al. Silybum marianum oil attenuates oxidative   stress and ameliorates mitochondrial dysfunction in mice treated with   D-galactose [J].Pharmacognosy Magazine, 2014,S10(37):92-99.

(3) Zhu   Shuyun, Sha sha, Qin yunyun, Dong Ying. Protective effect of Silybum marianum   oligopeptides on mice liver mitochondria injury. [J]. Journal of the Chinese   Cereals and Oils Association, 2015, 30(1):97-101

(4) Zhu   Shuyun, Dong Ying, Xiao Xiang, Zhang Shanshan, Qin Yunyun.Physico-chemical   properties of Silibum marianum protein fractions[J]. Journal of the Chinese   Cereals and Oils Association, 2013,28(10):15-20.

(5) Zhu   Shuyun, Dong Ying, Zhang Haihui, Li xijing. Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Milk   Thistle Meal Protein and Antioxidation of Hydrolysates [J]. Journal of the   Chinese Cereals and Oils Association, 2011, 26(2): 68-71

(6) Zhu   Shuyun,Dong Ying, Chen Xiaodong, Zhou Yue.Protein and Amino Acid Composition   of Milk Thistle Meal and Functional Properties [J]. Journal of the Chinese   Cereals and Oils Association, 2011,26(8): 71-74.

(7) Zhu   Shuyun, Dong Ying,Zhou Yue,Chen Xiaodong. Effect of Ultrafiltration on   Antioxidant Activity of Milk Thistle Protein Hydrolysates[J].Chemistry and   Industry of Forest Products, 2011,31(5): 37-40.

(8) Zhu   Shuyun, Dong Ying,Zhou Yue.Antioxidation Stability of Silybum marianum Meal

Protein   Hydrolysates, [J].Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products, 2012,32(2):   153-154.

(9) Zhu   Shuyun, Dong Ying.Optimized technology for extracting milk thistle cake   protein by response surface methodology[J].Science and Technology of Food   Industry,2011, 32(2):255-258.

(10) Zhu   Shuyun,Xu Qidi,Chen Xiaodong,Dong Ying. The acute toxicity of milk thistle   meal on mice[J]. JiangsuAgricultural Sciences, 2012, 40(2): 231-232.

(11) Jie Tu,   Jun Chen*, Shuyun Zhu, Chunxiao Zhang, Hua Chen, Youbing 投注平台. Inhibition of   wheat bran and it’s active compoments on α-glucosidase in vitro[J].Pharmacognosy   Magazine, 2013,9(36):309-314.

(12) Yue Zhou,   Ying Dong*, Qinggang Xu, Shuyun Zhu, Shilei Tian, Jingjing Huo, Tingting Hao,   Beiwei Zhu. Mussel oligopeptides protect human fibroblasts from hydrogen   peroxide (H2O2)-induced premature senescence [J]. Archives of Gerontology and   Geriatrics, 2014,582):293-299

(13) Yue   Zhou,Ying Dong*, Qinggang Xu, Yuanqing He, Shilei Tian, Shuyun Zhu, Ying   Zhu,Xiuping Dong. Mussel oligopeptides ameliorate cognition deficit and   attenuate brain senescence in D-galactose-induced aging mice [J]. Food and   Chemical Toxicology, 2013, 59: 412-420.

Main Scientific Research Projects

1.“Milk   thistle seed comprehensive utilization of key technology research and new   product development”,Agricultural Science and Technology Support Program of   Zhenjiang City (NY2012031).

2.“The   Research of the Physiological Mechanisms of Control and Degradation of   Patulin on Apples by Rhodotorula mucilaginosa”, the National Natural Science   Foundation of China (31271967).

3.“The   research and preparation of the antagonistic yeast preservative which can   control postharvest diseases and ochratoxin A residue of grapes”, the   Technology Support Plan ofJiangsuProvince (BE2014372).


Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of postgraduates   under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.

Number of   supervised undergraduates

The above   information updated


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